
As a global company with thousands of employees and operations and customers, we have a responsibility to reduce the environmental impacts of our operations, supply chain and product use by our customers. We are committing to do so by focusing on our key issues – climate, water and waste. 

We integrate sustainability into our business and work to reduce our carbon, energy, water and waste impacts in our direct operations as well as our supply chain. As society grapples with the current and potential future impacts of climate change, we are adapting our business to address risks and identify new business opportunities. We continue to enhance our R&D capabilities to build powerful and energy-efficient products that can contribute to a better, connected world.


Climate Change

Acting to address climate change impacts is a business imperative for Marvell. Ensuring our business is resilient in the face of a changing climate is essential for our long-term success. Doing our part to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in our direct operations and our value chain is also a key expectation of our customers and our investors.

Recognizing that climate change requires urgent action, we have committed to reducing our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions both in our direct operations as well as in our value chain.   

We have submitted our Science Based Target (SBT) for formal review and approval by SBTi putting ourselves on a path to net zero carbon emissions. Our SBT is aligned with a 1.5°C climate scenario, supporting the goals of the Paris Agreement. 

Preparing for and responding to climate-related risks and opportunities in our direct operations and supply chain is one of the key aspects of our business strategy. To examine potential impacts of various physical and transition climate-related risks on our business in the future, we have completed a climate risk screening and a  quantitative climate scenario analysis aligned with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), In addition, we continue to develop a low-carbon transition plan with a focus on renewable energy procurement, and to better understand our top physical and transition climate-related risks and opportunities.

As most of our carbon impacts are upstream and downstream of our direct operations, we actively engage with suppliers, customers and business partners to decarbonize our supply chain and to reduce the power demand of our products. This helps us to enhance our business resilience in the face of a changing climate. 

Product Sustainability

We believe that by designing our products to have a smaller environmental footprint, we can have a significant sustainability impact. We are focused on developing power-efficient semiconductor solutions that help reduce energy consumption during the use phase. We also consider the materials within our products to ensure we are meeting global and customer environmental standards. 



Our corporate water strategy focuses on measurement of our annual operational water footprint and comprehensive water risk assessments in our direct operations, as well as identifying and implementing opportunities for water efficiency across our facilities and requesting water use data from our suppliers.

Although our most significant water and waste impacts occur in our supply chain, we recognize that we have an opportunity to make a positive contribution by managing the impacts of our own facilities. In our direct operations, most of our day-to-day water use is associated with sanitation, drinking water, food preparation, landscape irrigation and cooling in our closed-system chillers. We work to implement water efficiency measures to reduce our water usage, including installing low-flow fixtures at our offices and using recycled water and drought-tolerant plants in our landscaping where feasible. 



Our waste profile is typical of office and electronic laboratory-based R&D environments, as our waste is primarily composed of paper, food, packaging and used electronics. We continue to work on improving our waste management practices and increasing waste diversion from landfill, primarily through recycling and composting.