Our Goals

We have set goals to address our priority ESG topics. Our goals enable us to advance our actions and strategy as well as related commitments and initiatives, to drive impact and strengthen the business.

Our Approach to ESG 

  • Integrate ESG across our innovation processes on an annual basis.
  • Participate in multiple external collaborations focused on technology addressing societal challenges by FY25.
  • Pursue 100% top Tier 1 suppliers audited in the past two years by Responsible Business Alliance Validated Assessment Program (RBA VAP) by FY25.
  • Pursue 100% Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP)-compliant tantalum, tin, tungsten and gold processing facilities by FY25.


  • Set and validate a Science Based Target (SBT) aligned with a 1.5°C climate scenario and work toward developing a net zero goal by FY24.
  • Develop a low-carbon transition plan by FY23.
  • Conduct climate scenario analysis aligned with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) by FY23.
  • Reduce power consumption of products with each generation for set capabilities on an annual basis.
  • Conduct a life cycle assessment (LCA) on three key product lines by FY25.
  • Develop and implement water action plans at sites where Marvell has control of water management by FY24.
  • Achieve zero waste at sites where Marvell has control of waste management by FY26.
  • Follow best practices in alignment with WELL, Fitwell and/or LEED building standards at all new office constructions or renovations on an annual basis.


  • Perform pay equity analysis globally on an annual basis.
  • Maintain annual Employee Engagement (eSat) score that is higher than Glint’s Technology Industry Benchmark on an annual basis.
  • Conduct a formal Human Rights Impact Assessment and develop action plans to address impacts of our value chain by FY25.
  • Achieve 20% participation rate in either our volunteer time-off program or employee match program by FY25.


  • Aim for 100% of employees trained and certified to our annual Code of Business Conduct on an annual basis.
  • Maintain zero monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with anti-competitive behavior regulations on an annual basis.